Masconomet Strategic Plan, 2023-2028

Dear Friends,

I am happy to present to you the Masconomet Strategic Plan, 2023-2028, which was unanimously accepted by the Masconomet School Committee at its December 13th meeting. 

This plan is the result of a twelve month journey of exploration of the question, “What type of schools do we need to ensure our students will be best prepared for future success?”  During this process, a Working Team representing administration, faculty, parents and community members surveyed the larger Masconomet Community around their perceptions of our schools and learning environments. Through this effort, the Working Team was able to gather feedback regarding the strengths and areas for growth of our schools.  After reviewing and analyzing this information, the Working Team crafted a new Mission, Vision and Values Statement for the District and developed a five-year Strategic Plan to guide efforts towards achieving the aspirations stated in the Mission, Vision and Values.   I would like to thank the members of the Strategic Plan Working Team for their efforts in developing this plan.

The resulting Strategic Plan is organized into four Strategic Objectives, or main themes: Curriculum, Instruction, Culture and Wellbeing, and Community that were identified by the Working Team in the survey results.  Strategic Objectives are statements of the outcomes, or changes in knowledge and behavior that are desired.  Each Strategic Objective contains one or more Strategic Initiatives, which describe the outputs or activities that will be completed in order to achieve the Strategic Objective.  These Objectives and Initiatives will form the basis of our annual district and school improvement plans for the next five years.

I’m excited about the possibilities that putting the Masconomet Strategic Plan, 2023-2028 into action will open for us and our students and look forward to working with you as we make this plan a reality.


Mike Harvey


Published by mascosuper

Superintendent of the Masconomet Regional School District

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